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如果您是开发人员,则可能与我要说的有关 (If you are a developer, you will likely relate to what I am about to say)

When you are applying for a developer position, the trials and tribulations you have to go through are strenuous, to say the least. From sending in your resume, to the numerous stages of the interviewing process, to the fact that you may never hear why you got rejected. You might think that I am exaggerating and trying to make it seem like developers have the hardest jobs on the planet (which I’m not), but I implore you to try a developer’s shoes on for size, go through the gauntlet, and then come back and tell me if you don’t feel the same way.

至少可以说,当您申请开发人员职位时,必须经历的磨难和磨难。 从发送简历到面试过程的各个阶段,再到您可能永远听不到为什么被拒绝的事实。 您可能会认为我在夸大其词,并试图使开发人员看起来像是地球上最艰苦的工作(我不是),但我恳请您试穿开发人员的鞋子以进行试穿,穿上长袖手套,然后回来告诉我你是否有不同的感觉。

An example of an interviewing process for a developer goes something like this:


  • The first phone call

  • A number of on-site interviews (ranges widely, but has a minimum of two)

  • A take-home assignment

  • A HR interview

  • A social interaction/aptitude test


推荐建议 (Recommendations)

This might not seem that rigorous, but it is something every candidate has to go through, no matter which company they are interviewing at, and it can take several weeks, if not months, to complete (assuming you progress).


This reality really bothered me, and I found myself asking these questions:


  • Why is the process like this?

  • Is there any possibility for it to change?


I’ll try to answer these questions in this article, but first, let’s have a thought experiment and examine the interviewing process in other occupations.


We’re going to take any other job out there (it doesn’t have to require a college degree) and go over the hiring process a candidate has to go through. First up, construction.

我们将在那里进行其他任何工作(不必要求大学学位),并完成候选人必须经历的招聘过程。 首先,建设。

If I wanted to become a construction worker, as long as I am able-bodied and willing to work, there are no other qualifications I need to pass before I get the job. This is in complete contrast to the dangers and hazards of the job itself: working with tools, operating heavy machinery, and the obvious, altitude.

如果我想成为一名建筑工人,只要我身体健全且愿意工作,就不需要获得其他任何资格。 这与工作本身的危险性和危害形成了鲜明的对比:使用工具,操作重型机械以及明显的高度。

Our second choice would be a waiter. Here we have a job that requires multitasking, staying on your feet for the better part of the day, and dealing with people. And what is the interviewing process you go through? That’s right, a simple meeting with one of the managers of the restaurant.

我们的第二选择是服务生。 在这里,我们有一项工作需要多任务处理,在一天的大部分时间里都站稳脚跟,并与人打交道。 您的面试过程是怎样的? 没错,这是与餐厅经理的一次简单会面。

If I ditched the two previous jobs and opted to work as a cab driver, all I need to have is a valid driver's license to be able to work. This job has the stress of working with people (other drivers) and passengers, memorizing routes, and utilizing opportunities, whether they are on the road or in fares.

如果我放弃了之前的两个工作并选择担任出租车司机,那么我所需要的就是能够工作的有效驾驶执照。 这项工作的压力在于与人(其他驾驶员)和乘客一起工作,记住路线并利用机会,无论他们是在路上还是在票价上。

You might be saying, “Sure, all those jobs don’t require that much in terms of qualifications, but the pay isn’t even close to that of a developer.”


While true, these examples prove a point and show the stark contrast between the interviewing process a developer has to go through. While this can’t be said of all developers, it does apply to most: A developer’s job does not have the risks or difficulties the jobs detailed above do.

这些例子确实是事实,但也证明了这一点,并显示了开发人员必须经历的面试过程之间的鲜明对比。 尽管不能对所有开发人员都这么说,但是它确实适用于大多数开发人员:开发人员的工作没有上面详述的工作所具有的风险或困难。

The main concern a developer has is to increase the profit for the company they’re working for. So why does a developer have to go through the wringer just to get hired?

开发人员主要关心的是为他们工作的公司增加利润。 那么,为什么开发人员必须要经过绞碎才能被录用?

长时间攀爬 (The Long Climb)

The process a developer has to go through, be it with professional experience or not, is quite drastic. It all starts with the resume. Each resume gets profiled in about 20–30 seconds, deciding the fate of the applicant before even talking to them. As a candidate, you have a finite amount of influence just getting your foot in the door. There are also all these little gotchas that candidates don’t realize.

无论是否有专业经验,开发人员必须经历的过程都非常艰巨。 这一切都从简历开始。 每张简历都会在20到30秒内得到描述,从而决定了申请人的命运,甚至没有与他们交谈。 作为候选人,只要踏入大门,您就拥有有限的影响力。 还有所有这些候选人没有意识到的小陷阱。

For instance, fresh graduates tend to list all the coding languages they have had experience with (ranging from little to more than a little). They put those in their resume since they don’t have any professional experience. What happens on the other end is that interviewers see this and are enticed to bombard the candidate with in-depth questions about those specific languages — when, in fact, those candidates, hardly have sufficient knowledge about them.

例如,应届毕业生往往会列出他们所使用过的所有编码语言(范围从很少到更多)。 由于没有任何专业经验,因此将其放入简历中。 另一方面,面试官看到了这一点,并诱使他们用有关这些特定语言的深入问题轰炸候选人-实际上,这些候选人几乎没有足够的知识。

Assuming your resume wasn’t thrown in the trash, you will get a phone call from a HR recruiter. This phone call is usually about getting to know you, your skills, and the job you are looking for, and to give a brief explanation of the company and the position. Some companies also utilize this phone call for a phone screening, technical interview. Meaning, that the first, non-physical, discussion you have with the company is already a test you need to pass in order to advance in the process.

假设您的履历表没有丢进垃圾桶,您将收到HR招聘人员的电话。 这个电话通常是要了解您,您的技能和您要寻找的工作,并简要说明公司和职位。 一些公司还利用此电话进行电话筛选,技术面试。 意思是,与公司进行的第一次非物理的讨论已经是您需要通过的测试,以推进流程。

How grueling is that?


The on-site technical interview is something that does not exist in any other industry. You are faced with inhabiting a small, clear-glassed room for the span of a couple of hours, where one to two strangers test your knowledge. This can be with actual coding on a laptop, writing on a whiteboard, and physically writing code on a sheet of paper.

现场技术面试是其他任何行业都没有的。 您将面临一个小小的透明玻璃房,居住时间长达几个小时,其中一到两个陌生人测试您的知识。 这可以通过在笔记本电脑上进行实际编码,在白板上书写以及在纸上实际书写代码来实现。

No two interviews are alike, and there is no set of defined rules that interviewers adhere to. These types of interviews are not your ordinary Q&A, where they ask about past experience and how you handled certain situations. You can be asked absolutely anything that the interviewer thinks is relevant. Each time you pass a technical interview, you are “awarded” with another technical interview, but this time with more senior personnel in the company.

没有两次面试是相同的,并且没有面试官要遵守的一套明确的规则。 这些类型的采访不是您的普通问答,他们会询问过去的经验以及您如何处理某些情况。 绝对可以问到访员认为相关的任何事情。 每次通过技术面试时,都会获得另一项技术面试的“奖励”,但这一次是公司的更多高级人员。

The HR interview is sometimes titled a culture fit interview. This bizarre term tries to suggest that you will be asked questions to assess if you are a candidate who aligns with the company’s social code — which for all intents and purposes, is only there to attract candidates. You may be familiar with some of these: Work/life balance, performance savvy, etc. This interview will include a variety of social questions and problems, and in most cases, there is no correct answer to them.

人力资源访谈有时被称为“ 文化适应性访谈” 。 这个离奇的术语试图建议您提出问题,以评估您是否符合公司的社会准则,无论出于何种意图和目的,该准则都只能吸引候选人。 您可能熟悉其中的一些:工作/生活平衡,精通绩效等。本次采访将涉及各种社会问题,在大多数情况下,没有正确的答案。

For example, when asked what your disadvantages are, you can’t respond with an answer that, while true in another context, might not seem that awful. So you find yourself saying phrases like:

例如,当被问到您的不利之处是什么时,您无法回答一个答案,尽管在其他情况下是正确的,但看起来似乎并不可怕。 因此,您发现自己说的短语如下:

  • “I work too hard.”

  • “I never give up on a task.”

  • “I’m a perfectionist.”


These answers are obviously a ruse in this psychological game we developers play with HR. If you act like yourself in these interviews, chances are you won’t get the job.

这些答案显然是我们开发人员与HR一起玩的这种心理游戏中的一个诡计。 如果您在这些面试中表现得像自己一样,很可能您将无法获得这份工作。

You’ve made it all the way; you cleared the technical interviews, and you managed to play the game with the HR. But wait! There is still one more step to climb on this ladder. You need to provide recommendations from previous companies you worked at.

您已经做到了; 您清除了技术面试,并设法与HR一起玩游戏。 可是等等! 在这条阶梯上还需要再爬一步。 您需要提供以前工作过的公司的建议。

To me, this is flabbergasting.


At this point in the process, you managed to convince all the people you met in the company that you are the right person for the job. Why in the world would they want to talk to someone who:

在此过程的这一点上,您设法说服了公司中所有与会人员,认为您是该职位的合适人选。 他们为什么要在世界上与以下人交谈:

  • They don’t know

  • Might not have the greatest recollection of how you performed

  • Might not give them the answers they want

  • Might be a friend you persuaded to pretend to be a past employer


In today’s era, this phase is the most perplexing to me. What if you ended things on bad terms in your previous company? What if the company shut down? And sometimes, just one recommendation is not enough.

在当今时代,这个阶段对我来说是最困惑的。 如果您以糟糕的条件结束了先前公司的工作该怎么办? 如果公司倒闭怎么办? 有时,仅一项建议是不够​​的。

How can one person’s judgement be the deciding factor in your hiring process?


机器中的另一个齿轮 (Just Another Cog in the Machine)

Why is the process modeled like this? What are the reasons to support making people go through this arduous process?

为什么对流程进行这样的建模? 支持使人们经历这一艰巨过程的原因是什么?

Part of this is due to the fact that there are companies in this field of business that have a name to uphold and can handle creating a high enough bar for candidates. They will always have people knocking on their door, so they use this system to filter people out.

部分原因是由于在该业务领域中有些公司的名称可以维护,并且可以为候选人建立足够高的标准。 他们总是会有人敲门,所以他们使用此系统将人们过滤掉。

Other times, it’s more of a smorgasbord of best practices combined with something someone in the company likes to ask or do. There’s no real validity there, but just a general feeling that it works. Combine that with HR teams that do not understand what to ask candidates and profile them in the wrong way, and you start seeing the bigger picture of how interviews are shaped.

在其他时候,它更多是一些最佳实践的组合,加上公司中某人喜欢问或做的事情。 那里并没有真正的合法性,只是人们普遍认为它有效。 将其与不了解要问什么的人事团队结合并以错误的方式描述他们,您就会开始看到面试的整体情况。

At the bottom line, companies need developers, but even if the position open has not been filled for half a year, the company will still behave like the demand for the position far outweighs the supply. Even more astounding is the fact, that according to this , companies tend to be very picky when they hire developers.

最重要的是,公司需要开发人员,但是即使未填补职位已经半年了,公司的行为仍然会像该职位的需求远远超过供应。 更令人吃惊的事实是,根据 ,公司在雇用开发人员时往往非常挑剔。

出路 (The way out)

As a developer, I am deeply unsettled by all of this and have had my share of stressful and tedious job interviews. While I understand the need to find quality candidates, I do not understand the need for this rollercoaster of a process. I’ve had job interviews that had more than seven phases, and I’ve had interviews where there were very few. How did both processes manage to assess my skills for the position that was open?

作为一名开发人员,我对所有这些都感到非常不安,并且接受了许多压力大而乏味的工作面试。 虽然我知道需要找到高质量的候选人,但我不知道需要这个过山车。 我的工作面试分为七个阶段,而面试的人很少。 两种流程如何设法评估我的职位空缺技能?

What I would like to see is a process that balances the needs of the company with the needs of the developer. Neither of the sides benefit from a slow, long process. Since as it takes more time, it costs more money to the company. And on the other side, many developers tend to jump at the offer they have in their hand, instead of waiting for another process that may or may not end in the near future.

我想看到的是一个平衡公司需求和开发人员需求的过程。 双方都没有从缓慢而漫长的过程中受益。 由于花费了更多时间,因此给公司带来了更多的资金损失。 另一方面,许多开发人员倾向于跳出手中的报价,而不是等待可能会在不久的将来结束的其他过程。



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